21 Breakthroughs in 21 Days Your First Chakra Power Center of Tribe, Money, and Safety

  • When: Starting Feb, 10 at 11:00 am Eastern time.                                Ends March 9, 2020
  • Make 2020 YOUR year!         Uncover your deeply held beliefs that keep you stuck so you can:         easily make healthy changes          grow your abundance                        create positive relationships with your family and friends             move forward with your life instead of living past patterns   make conscious choices to grow and transform - not be stuck in fear
  • Where: Online via Instant Teleseminar.                                    See your daily e-mails for the current links.

Investment is only $21.00               Register for 21 Breakthroughs in 21 Days by clicking the button below. 

You know this will change your life - for the better!

Copyright 2019 byMaking Shifts Happen.

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Are you stuck in chronic pain, illness or stress? Do you really want to break that cycle of unrelenting stress? Talk with Dr Steph and you can start feeling better today?
