How it Works

What is COHMI™ Level One?

COHMI™ (Creating Optimal Health through Mindbodyspirit Integration) is a 12-week interactive course that, when implemented and completed, changes the brain, mind, beliefs, perceptions and understandings. It is a profound and life changing experience for people who commit to their health and apply themselves. The program is based on many proven techniques that include transformational learning practices and cognitive behavioral strategies.

The COHMI™ Level One program includes:

  • An interactive 12 week 60-90 minute course with Bonus Material
  • Weekly 60 minute group conference calls
  • Link-breaking skill sheets to help you achieve optimum health
  • Guided imagery downloads for daily listening and practice
  • Bonus Materials – both reading and videos
  • Access to support during the 12 weeks

What are some results you can expect?

  • Improved energy
  • Reduction or elimination of pain experience
  • Improved mental focus and clarity
  • Improved ability to prioritize
  • Improved time management skills
  • Potential to reduce the need for certain types of medications (with physician supervision)
  • Improved creativity
  • Enhanced mood and emotional balance
  • Improved coping skills for chronic stress and illnesses
  • Enhanced skills for improving well being


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Are you stuck in chronic pain, illness or stress? Do you really want to break that cycle of unrelenting stress? Talk with Dr Steph and you can start feeling better today?
